Fareplay is a WEB3 CRYPTO CASINO
where you control your funds,
all of your wagers are on-chain transactions,
and game randomness is verifiable.


Fareplay is a WEB3 CRYPTO CASINO where you don't have to deposit funds, all of your wagers are on-chain transactions, and you can verify randomness with ChainLink VRF.

What is
In the future, Fareplay users will gamble with the FARE token. When a user wins, their FARE winnings are minted. When a user loses, their FARE wager is burned. Because there is an "edge," this means the FARE token will be deflationary. This makes it so token holders are like "the house." The FARE token is not live yet, but you can earn FARE airdrops by gambling with USDC today!

How to Earn FARE
When you gamble on Fareplay, you earn FARE Points. These points will become a FARE token airdrop that will get issued to you when the FARE token goes live. You can earn FARE points by gambling USDC and referring friends who gamble as well. And don’t forget; you can also earn points for wagering on the testnet which is totally free – you will just need to get an invite code first!

Kills, Deaths & Assists
You earn 10 Kill points for every 1 USDC you win. You earn 10 Death points for every $0.50 you lose. You earn 1 Assist point for every 3 points earned by users you invite. Finally, you can earn points multipliers by completing the quests in your dashboard. Users at the top of the points leaderboard will earn bonus multipliers.

Why Gamble on FarePlay
Users who gamble on Fareplay today earn an allocation of FARE tokens for their activity. These FARE tokens will essentially represent “ownership” of the decentralized FARE casino network. This is a once-only opportunity to get in on the ground floor of FARE – which we believe will become the blue-chip gambling money of the internet.